When We Rest
Rest is a difficult concept for people who work or serve in a church. The praise team gets to church before I do, tuning guitars, practicing songs, and preparing their hearts to lead worship. People set up the sound board, queue slides, make coffee, teach kids, and listen to long-winded sermons. For many people, Sunday may be a day of worship, but it certainly isn’t a day of rest.
The idea of the Sabbath is more than a day off. It is about resting in God’s completed work. We stop trying to shape the world to our own advantage and rest in what God has done.
Rest is not just about physical recovery. It is also about spiritual and emotional renewal. When we rest, we are able to let go of our worries and cares. We are able to focus on our relationship with God and with others.
Sabbath rest is a gift from God. It is a time to set aside our work and responsibilities and to simply be. It is a time to experience the joy and peace that come from knowing that we are loved by God.
As a pastor, I am often tempted to keep working, even on my days off. But I know that I need to take time for myself in order to be effective in my ministry.
This weekend, I am going to unplug and unwind. I am going to spend time in nature, read books, and play with Thea and hopefully take her on her first hike. I am also going to make time for prayer and reflection.
I encourage you to take some time for sabbath rest this week. Find something that helps you to relax and recharge. Spend time with loved ones. Connect with nature. And most importantly, spend time with God.
Sabbath rest is a gift that can heal your soul.
-Pastor Tim