A Pastor Appreciates

We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. - 1 Thessalonians 1:2–3.

October is Pastor Appreciation Month, so I wanted to echo Paul’s words and let you know how much I appreciate you all. I often joke that his church was scraping the bottom of the barrel when you called me to be your pastor. All kidding aside, when God led me to this church, I was emerging from a very painful season of life. Your friendship and trust was more healing and hope-restoring than I can express.

“I thank God for your work produced by faith.”

Faith is directed towards God, and at Cascade CRC this God-directed faith leads to practical work. The book of James reminds us that “faith without works is dead.” That isn’t a problem in this congregation. I’ve seen you visit people in the hospital, mow other people’s lawns, deliver meals, listen to heartache, clothe the homeless, and wash feet. I truly thank God that the faith He’s given you has taught you to care deeply about others.

“I thank God for your labor promoted by love.”

In this context, John R.W. Stott suggests that faith is focused on the past (what God has done) and hope is focused on the future (what God will do). In this context, love is what anchors us in the present. Love is the ability to be present in the moment, on behalf of others. We can work hard, and find it loveless. Labor prompted by love meets real people with real help.

I thank God for your endurance inspired by hope in Jesus.

One movie suggests the idea that “Every letter should end with hope.” Hope reminds us that our faith and love with transcend this broken moment and endure. Hope knows that the future is brighter because God is shaping it. Hope helps us endure difficult situations.

When I came to Cascade you were enduring the pandemic. You’d had a few brief pastoral tenures and interim pastorates. Despite all that, or maybe because of all that!, you were strong. That’s the endurance that hope inspires!

Faith, Hope & Love

This congregation is marked by faith, hope, and love … and that’s why you are the best congregation a pastor could ask for.

I appreciate your commitment to following Jesus. You come to worship each week to learn more about Him and to grow in your faith. You are not afraid to share your faith with others. You are making a difference in the world, one person at a time.

I appreciate your generosity. You give generously of your time, your talents, and your resources to support the work of the church. You help us to reach out to our community and to make a difference in the lives of others.

I appreciate your love and support. You are there for me and for my family during good times and bad. You lift me up in prayer and you encourage me when I am down. You make me feel loved and appreciated.

With You;

Pastor Tim


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