Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail

What’s your Bible reading plan for 2024?

That’s a simple question, but for most of my life my answer would have been “To read the Bible some.” I had intentions, but no solid plan to engage God’s Word.

Benjamin Franklin is credited with saying, "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail" in 1790. This classic quote reminds us that success in any area of life doesn't happen by accident. It takes knowing where you want to go and a roadmap of how to get there.

This is true in every area of life. Many people want to get in better physical shape. Change takes a plan and the discipline to follow that plan. We don’t naturally eliminate junk food or start exercising. We have to intentionally change our shopping habits, set aside time to exercise, and make sure we get better rest.

We don’t naturally get out of credit card debt. We have to map out new financial practices and stick to the strategy.

We also don’t naturally grow closer to God through His Word. It takes more than good intentions; we need a plan.

Until I was called to Cascade Christian Reformed, my Bible reading plans were often built more on good intentions than a true strategy. I would go through times of better practices, but nothing seemed to stick. During my first weeks at this church that changed. Vince, one of our elders who I’m glad is returning to our Council, introduced me to The Daily Audio Bible. This is a podcast where the host reads sections of Scripture every day. Over the year he covers every verse in the Bible.

This has worked wonderfully for me. I learn best by listening, so the podcast format is helpful. It also fits into practices I engage in daily, as I almost always listen to podcasts first thing in the morning when I work out. Writing this, I am just about to finish my second year through the Bible and PLAN to continue this practice next year.

So, what’s your plan? You don’t have to follow the Daily Audio Bible. You don’t even have to read the whole Bible in a year. Here are a few tips to help you map out your plan to help you grow closer to God through His Word in 2024:

1. Consider your goals.

What do you hope to achieve by reading the Bible more? Do you want to gain a deeper understanding of Scripture? Grow in your faith? Find comfort and guidance? Do you want to read the whole Bible or maybe just the New Testament, or a portion of it? Once you know your goals, you can choose a reading plan that is tailored to them.

2. Choose a plan that fits your lifestyle.

There are many different Bible reading plans available, from ones that take you through the entire Bible in a year to ones that focus on specific themes or genres. Be honest with yourself about how much time you can realistically dedicate to reading each day. There's no point in choosing a plan that you're going to give up on after a few weeks.

3. Find a method that works for you.

Some people prefer to read the Bible in order from Genesis to Revelation, while others like to jump around to different books or passages. Some people like to read with a highlighter or pen in hand, others like to listen along with someone. There is no right or wrong way to do it. Experiment with different methods until you find one that you enjoy and that helps you stay engaged.

4. Make it a habit.

The best way to ensure that you stick to your Bible reading plan is to make it a habit. Schedule time for reading each day, just like you would for any other important appointment. Find a quiet place where you can focus and avoid distractions.

5. Don't be afraid to adjust your plan.

If your plan isn't working for you, don't be afraid to change it. The most important thing is to find a way to read the Bible that is meaningful and enjoyable for you.

Here are some additional tips for building a successful Bible reading plan:

  • Find a reading buddy. Having someone to read with can help you stay accountable and motivated.

  • Use a Bible study tool. There are many great Bible study tools available, such as study Bibles, commentaries, and online resources. These can help you understand the passages you're reading more deeply.

  • Pray before you read. Ask God to open your heart and mind to His word.

  • Reflect on what you read. Don't just skim the words. Take some time to think about what they mean in the original context and how they apply to you.

  • Apply what you learn. What is God teaching you through His word? How can you put His teachings into practice in your own life?

I hope these tips help you create a Bible reading plan that will be a source of blessing and growth in your life this year. Remember, the most important thing is to start reading and to keep going. Even if you only read a few verses a day, you will be amazed at what God can teach you through His word.

Here are some additional resources that you may find helpful:

May your new year be filled with the light and hope of God's word!

Pastor Tim


Word & Spirit


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