What Letter Would Jesus Write to Our Church?

The beginning chapters of the book of Revelation contain a series of seven letters, written to seven churches scattered throughout Asia Minor. With a mixture of rebuke and praise, Jesus confronts each church, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. In every letter, an aspect of Jesus, as revealed in the glorious images of chapter 1, is brought in. He doesn't simply use doctrine and logic to correct the church; he uses his own presence to confront where they have missed their mark.

I've been thinking about this in relation to our own church, Cascade Christian Reformed Church. It would be easy to write a generic letter from Jesus to "the American church," indulging in stereotypes and picking on the sins of others. That wouldn’t be helpful.

Instead, we should ask ourselves: What would Jesus say to us? Are there things Jesus would praise? Are there practices in our congregation Jesus would rebuke? Most importantly, is there an aspect of his personal presence that he would want us to focus on?

Here are some of the traits from Revelation 1:

  • He has eyes like blazing fire. Is there something that needs illumination in our church?

  • His feet are like polished bronze. Is there a need for stability and strength in our walk of faith?

  • His voice is like the roar of many waters. Are we listening to God's word clearly and acting on it?

  • He holds the seven stars in his right hand. Are we holding fast to the teachings of Christ?

  • A sharp two-edged sword comes out of his mouth. Is there a truth we need to confront or a sin we need to address?

I don't believe I could write a definitive letter from Jesus to our church. It would be presumptuous, and I would likely miss the nuances of what Jesus is doing with us. However, I encourage you to take some time and reflect on these seven letters, wondering:

  • Where are you personally, and where could your part of our church use some encouragement or rebuke?

  • Is there a part of Jesus you could focus on for the next few weeks that might bring you closer to his heart?

As we move into the Christmas season, baby Jesus will be everywhere. Maybe some of us need to think about that. Maybe some of us will be better served by focusing on the glorious Jesus reveled in Revelation 1. Either way, may Jesus comfort, correct and be with you.

-Pastor Tim


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