The best way to spread Christmas cheer …

Buddy the Elf famously said, "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!"

Elf is undoubtedly one of my favorite Christmas movies. I adore the silliness and sweetness Will Ferrell brings to the character, and the redemptive arc of James Caan's character as he transforms from a burnt-out businessman to a warmhearted father caught up in something bigger than himself.

Buddy got it right. One of the best ways to spread Christmas cheer is indeed by singing loud for all to hear. In my household, we even start listening to Christmas music before Thanksgiving (a sin I readily confess!). Even family members who aren't deeply drawn to Jesus find themselves drawn to the season and its music. There's something about Christmas Music that captures our hearts in ways our logical minds are slow to admit.

Our sermons lately have explored the theme that we are all created to worship. If we don't worship Jesus, we will inevitably worship something else. Carols are one such "liminal space," a place where two things meet. Many people who worship entertainment and distraction find themselves entertained by and drawn to Christmas carols, music, and movies. Unknowingly, they are engaging with forces they don't fully understand. They put on a Christmas playlist, unaware that the subtle beauty of Jesus is creeping into their minds. Many are oblivious to the fact that the incarnate Jesus is being revealed universally in our shopping malls, radio stations, and homes.

This Sunday afternoon at 3 pm, we invite you to join us for our annual caroling service. Bring as many friends as you can; let's fill the room with music! Sing loud for all to hear!

However, remember the true meaning beyond the merriment. Make sure you see the Christ behind the carols and the savior behind the songs.




The Tapestry of Christmas Memories


Communication is Key