The Truth Is Worth Fighting For

A Pastor Appreciates

Our Actions Reveal Our Hearts

Sit, Walk, Stand

Joy In the Faith

Religion Without Jesus is Exhasting

Meaningless …

Preaching To Yourself
Instead of listening to yourself, preach to yourself. A reflection on Psalm 42.


Hezekiah’s Story of Sovereignty & Faith

We are called to make Disciples, not Decisions.

We are called to engage.

Rediscovering the Bible
What does it look like to “reform”?

Halfhearted Obedience
May God forgive us for halfheartedness and give us a fresh passion today to trust His Word and act on it.

“We Should not make it difficult…”
God calls us to reach “outsiders” without adding religious burdens.

Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch:A Story of God's Grace

David's Charge to Solomon

Redefining Success: The Story of David