Two Ways to Read the Bible
I found the following on Tim Challies’ blog. It is a lovely piece of writing by Theodore Cuyler and helps share how God is at work in this world to save his people and bring glory to his name. Enjoy!

Beyond the Donkey and the Elephant: Finding Our Identity in Christ

Unveiling Numbers: A Journey Through Wilderness and Revelation

The Interruptible Jesus

Ashes and Authenticity:A Reformed Look at Ash Wednesday

The Unexpected Joy of Repetition: From Children's Books to the Bible

Do Christians Read the Bible Selectively?

Seeing Through the "Jesus Lens": Beyond Sweetness and Light

Christianity > Religion

Word & Spirit

Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail

The Redeemed Cycle: Finding Christmas in the Prophets

What Letter Would Jesus Write to Our Church?

Jesus Didn’t “Seem” to be Human

Why Do We Talk about Jesus?

Splintered Reeds: When We Lean on Broken Things

Jesus Blood: The Only Real Way

How to Study Ezekiel